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June 14, 2021


Updated: Jun 16, 2021

We never imagined how hard this experience would be for all of us. We learned our Holland has a sheered brain stem and some severed axons. We also learned she has the beginning of pneumonia and as time has continued, her chance for an independent life has vanished.

We have supplicated the Lord to know His will and be given a sign to know what course of action to pursue. Over the weekend, despite delayed and cancelled flights, that could not keep our family from all gathering during this sacred time. After much prayer, data, and more prayer, repeat process several times, our family felt in unison that our sweet Holland has been called to join our Taylor to watch over our family. The doctor wanted to make sure we were not making an emotional decision and we assured him that we know this is what needs to happen. So, at 9:40PM, surrounded by all of her siblings and parents, all intervention has been discontinued.

We continue to pray for our Holland. We know this is not the end, but it is still painful to watch and let things fall as they will on the timeline. We continue to know that God is with us and that our sorrows and grief will be compensated. We continue to feel a certain measure of peace, though we know our hearts will never be the same until we are reunited with her.

We believe with all our hearts that families can be together forever through Heavenly Father's plan. Now, as we send our sweet girl back to Heavenly Father to fulfill the call He has for her, we will continue to strive to be worthy of a much awaited heavenly reunion one day.

Please, if you can, continue to pray for

us, for our girl, and that as we all transition, that we will remember the why to all of our choices, both today, and moving forward.

We continue to feel forever grateful for all your love, prayers, and thoughts. 💛

-Ashton & Family

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Jun 16, 2021

I wish that my words could relieve any portion of the hurt, pain, and confusion you feel. I won't say that I know how you feel, but I will say that I understand, and my heart and hands reach out to support you. I'm so very sorry. I know from personal experience that those on the other side continue to be aware and involved with their loved ones here. Not often, but occasionally she will swoop in and you will absolutely know it's her there to comfort or guide you. She was a beautiful , tender presence and we mourn with you. Love and prayers for you all from the Barny’s.


Jun 16, 2021

Know that we mourn with you and are holding you from here. Your faith will be rewarded in a coming day to a degree that all of the pain, sorrow and grief you now suffer will vanish in His glory and goodness and love. We love you dearly! The Ball Family.


Tanya Dennings
Tanya Dennings
Jun 16, 2021

I'm in shock, though, I knew this was a distinct possibility. My heart is broken for you as a mom and for her siblings as a big sister myself. I know Holland will miss everyone, both friends & family, but I see her smiling. I know she feels joy as well. I will continue to pray for you & Nick and your children. My love to you all.


Jun 15, 2021

My heart is breaking along with all of yours! 💔 Nothing in this life has been harder than the deaths of my children. I’m so thankful for knowledge of the gospel and comfort of the Spirit to make the pain bearable and carry us through the time apart. Your family will continue to be in my prayers.❤️❤️❤️


Janna Little
Janna Little
Jun 15, 2021

Dear Rodriguez Family, I’m speechless, as I want to say something that could bring you comfort, but I can’t find the words. I only know and firmly believe that your family is eternal and that you will see her again. I do find peace knowing that Taylor and Holland will be together and it would not surprise me to find that the two of them had a very close bond in the pre-existence. We love you and will continue to pray for you all. Marty and Janna Little

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