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June 13,2021


We are holding on. Today has been another difficult day. Holland's heart rate is staying pretty high, she is still running fever. Still no significant changes. nothing different in her neuro exams. The MRI did not show any positive news, only signs of more damage than we already knew about. She just looks uncomfortable. They changed her breathing tube, the face part anyway. Seeing her face without everything on it was hard. The look of pain on her face was hard to bear. That hopefully will help her for the next few days be a bit more comfortable. She is not under any sedation, but she is still in a semi comatose state. The kids have come to see her, we are still missing Benson and Cassidy, but they are on their way. Sterling played Elvis gospel songs for Holland. We have all taken turns holding her hands. More hard discussions with doctors. We have all shed tears today. She knows we are here, she knows we love her, we know she loves us. We still need more time. It is not easy, but we wait, and we hope.

Interestingly, the week before this happened, I had been studying these words by Ronald A Rasband:

Many of you have witnessed miracles, more than you realize. They may seem small in comparison to Jesus raising the dead. But the magnitude does not distinguish a miracle, only that it came from God.

Miracles are wrought by divine power by Him who is “mighty to save.” Miracles are extensions of God’s eternal plan; miracles are a lifeline from heaven to earth.

Nick and I remain confident in our Savior. I know Holland is confident in Him, too. There are miracles still to come, I am sure. They may or may not be the huge ones we hope for, but they will be the ones we need, and the ones she needs. There are tender mercies all around us from a loving Heavenly Father. We have been fed, visited, loved, remembered, provided for and prayed for throughout this experience. We have felt His hand in our lives thru the service of those around us. May we all be one in Christ.

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Larry Woodland
Larry Woodland
Jun 25, 2021

Our hearts go out to you all , there are no words to heal your broken hearts. We love and miss you all!

The Woodland Family


Jun 15, 2021

We are praying for Holland and your family during this difficult time! We know He only knows the plan for each of us and we also believe in miracles! Holland has touched our lives in different ways and we are blessed to know her and to call your family our Friend! 💗Sending hugs and love, Rick and Shay Prince and daughter, Heather Myers and Family 💗

Replying to

Heather, I know the entire family feels the great love y’all have for them!If it makes my heart sing to see and feel such widespread support, imagine what it does for Holland and every Rodriguez! Thank you so much for your loving kindness!! ♥️


Theres Brooks
Theres Brooks
Jun 15, 2021

We love you all.


Jun 14, 2021

Our hearts go out to your family at this time, and our prayers continue to ascend for Holland and all of you. We have appreciated being able to read your updates. Know you are loved by so many, even those of us who have barely met you. The love your family shares is palpable, and I'm so glad that you were able to be together. Your faith is inspiring. Indeed our God is a God of miracles. We pray that the tender mercies and miracles our Father has in store for you will be manifest in great abundance!


Every piece of this horrendous puzzle will make such sense one day. Keep that beautiful faith strong. You have tons of backup!! We love you all every second and keep continual heart prayers on top of tho formal ones. He hears our every single one! In His Time, He will answer. Hold our love in your heart too. we are so very with you though far apart!

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